This privacy policy governs your use of the software application WINDOW WIGGLE ("Application"/"App") for mobile devices that was created by Tim Kretz. The Application is a casual game.

What information does the Application obtain and how is it used?

User Provided Information
The Application obtains the information you provide when you contact us for customer support. 

Automatic Data Collection and Advertising
The developer is neither collecting nor storing any information.
The Application has been built with Solar2D SDK.
The Application offers the optional use of Game Center on iOS and Google Play Services on Android.

  • Advertising
    The Application shows advertisings provided by Appodeal. This is a third party service that may collect information used to identify you. For more information, please refer to their privacy policy
    The advertising will not be targeted and may not be as relevant as in similar applications.
  • Analytics
    The Application uses analytic tools that allow to better understand how users interact with the game and will help to improve it. This is provided by Google Analytics a third party service that may collect information used to identify you. For more information, please refer to their privacy policy.

Does the Application collect precise real time location information of the device?
This Application does not collect precise information about the location of your mobile device.

Do third parties see and/or have access to information obtained by the Application?
Please note that the Application does not transmit any personal information. We will share your information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy statement.

The data that the third party services Appodeal and Google Analytics collect is limited to:

  • The apps you are using
  • Your IP address
  • Information about the device you use and your connection.
  • Data pertaining to your activities on our applications and notably the way in which you interact with the app (for instance, how and when you use the app) and with the advertising served in the app (for instance, number of ads served, potential clicks).

We do not use the Application to knowingly solicit data from or market to children under the age of 13. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us at We will delete such information from our files within a reasonable time.

We are concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. We provide physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect information we process and maintain. For example, we limit access to this information to authorized employees of the ad network; The developer does not collect or store any data. Please be aware that, although we endeavor provide reasonable security for information we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches.

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy here. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.

Contact us
If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at mail[at]